Case Study:

Our client GroDistro is a CBD distributing company that was looking to create multiple distribution avenues for their high-quality CBD oils. They asked for us to name, concept, and design 3 verticals that would target completely different demographics.

The Enthusiast Brand:
For the experienced CBD consumer looking for ways to incorporate CBD into everyday life.

The New To Market Brand:
Quality CBD Products for those who are new to CBD products and are looking for a guided experience.

The Accessible Brand:
Quality CBD Products, accessible for every budget.

The Enthusiast Brand

C. Jane enjoys the simple pleasures of life. She knows how to live boldly and isn't apologetic in doing so. C. Jane is the wild kid sister that seems to be in the center of it all. She travels, she laughs, she works hard and she plays well. #CJaneEnjoy

The New To Market Brand

We believe that our bodies are our greatest tool. A well-lived life equals a body well used. Solution CBD is your introduction to the wide range of CBD benefits. We take the guess-work out of knowing what CBD products and dosages are right for your specific needs.

The Accessible Brand

For the rebels that grab life by the reigns. The makers, the shakers the free thinkers. For those that question everything, but maintain an open mind that respects all opinions. We reap all the benefits of cannabis without the desire for an altered state of mind. #staywake 


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